Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I'm Late I'm Late! (with the blog), I've been a bit busy...

Normally when I start out my post, I say "Good Morning, Tina here", but it is now getting closer to "Good Evening". 

It's been one of those days. My hubby just got a new hip yesterday, and we got up at 2:30 in the morning to get to the hospital on time. He got some sleep while his hip was replaced, but I was glad to get home to the animals and left over Chinese food, and hit the hay as they say... we are both caught up on sleep now.

So this morning with all this going on, and add on 2 hours travel time, I just didn't have time for this blog and I figured "Oh Well"...

But it is almost evening and I am now home, after visiting Dear Hubby in the hospital. He made a friend in his roommate, who went home today. I arrived just in time to meet his wife and say goodbye. Someday when the two fellow patients are walking again they plan to golf together.

I decided to share a few photos I am proud of, alas, my computer has for some reason decided to freeze and become incredibly slow and apparently unwilling to upload any photos to the blog.

So instead, I am sharing my horoscope for tomorrow, Thursday, March 6th, because I find it a most incredibly wonderful prediction, and I can't wait to live out my day!

You'll delight in learning and think such interesting thoughts that it will be a joy to be inside your own mind and a treat for others to be in your company.

Tomorrow my husband hopes to come home from the hospital and I will pick him up about 1 pm, after spending the morning at a rehearsal with my Placerville Shakespeare Club Players group for a short and funny adaptation of Romeo and Juliet we will be performing in April. 

I am looking forward to gathering up my hubby tomorrow and transporting him home, and sharing any interesting thoughts with him, and I know I will delight in learning my part in our play's sword fight and I hope it will be a treat for the other ladies to be in my company! 

But I am especially looking forward to "it will be a joy to be inside your own mind". Doesn't that sound like fun?

See you next Wednesday, when I might get lucky and be able to attach photos again... 

1 comment:

  1. That certainly is one great-sounding horoscope for tomorrow!
    I am glad that you had a chance to post at all today, with as busy as you've been w/so much going on! Happy to hear that my brother-in-law is doing well after that surgery, too! Get some rest!
