Thursday, April 24, 2014

Throwback Thursday - Twenty-One Years Ago Today......

.....I was lucky enough to be in attendance at the first-ever meeting of the Michael Feinstein Fan Club, held at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. I flew down with my niece Amber to southern California, and mother and Grandma picked us up at the airport. They took us to Anaheim, where we stayed for a couple of days and went to Disneyland (!), and then Mother came back and picked us up and we got to go to the Fan Club event.
I am a HUGE Michael Feinstein fan; I have been ever since the first time I heard of him, and I have gotten to see him in concert four times, plus meet him in person at this event in 1993.
Do I look excited?
That's because I WAS.
As I recall, I didn't have a camera that day - not sure why, but a super-nice lady  was kind enough to take this picture and mail it to me. Wasn't that sweet?
Michael is a FABULOUS pianist, singer and entertainer extraordinaire, and if you ever have the chance to see him perform, you should try to do so. He is extremely entertaining, and knows more about American popular songs than probably anybody else alive. He is truly one of a kind. I've been collecting and listening to his albums for years. I never tire of them. I have his books, as well. He has an entertainment venue in San Francisco now, a nightclub at the Hotel Nikko (Feinstein's At The Nikko.) Maybe some day I will be able to go there and see him in another show. I hope so.
And that, my friends, is my "Throwback Thursday" photo. (I keep seeing friends and family post TT pics on Facebook, so I decided I may as well join in, so I'm doing it here on my blog as well as on FB.)


  1. Nice to see that photo again. He is very talented, and I really enjoyed when we went to see him years ago. Love T

  2. Whoa! You look fab-u-lous! Hope you'll post more Throwback Thursday pics! I'm going to try and do that too ...
