Thursday, May 29, 2014

Finds Made Of Fabric Or Fibers

Today's post is all about soft goods - you know, textiles and linens and such.
We'll start with these pretty handmade coat hanger covers.
 I found padded hangers in baby blue satin that coordinated perfectly with them.
 Oh, and that's a fabulous vintage sheet underneath them:
I found a crocheted pillow cover in avocado green and harvest gold. So very 70's:
I found a nice little handmade handbag in navy blue:
I think the gorgeous vintage fabric that lines the inside is the best part:
Pom-pom trim in hot pink and green (couldn't resist it), skirt pins, and other assorted trims:
A pillow that is truly a work of art in stitchery.
It is in need of repair, (and also a new backing), but it was very inexpensive and I think it's so unusual and cool.
 It is another example of that sort of "Somebody put a LOT of work into this." type of item.
 I want to give it some attention:
More vintage sheets and pillow cases; I can never seem to pass up bright florals like these:
 I especially like the flowers on this one:
And this last one is a midcentury bark cloth remnant in a wonderful riot of greens.
 I think there's enough for a pillow:
It's so striking, it deserves to be made into SOMETHING!


  1. My mother made a long skirt out of the same fabric which lines that purse...long, long ago....
