Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hey There, Tall, Dark And Handsome....

Oh my.
You may or may not be able to fathom my delight when I spied this gentleman sitting up high on a shelf at the thrift store:
Hello, there, you handsome devil, you:
Perhaps you and your friend would like to come home with me and live at MY house for, like, EVER?
What's that I hear?
You would, you say?
Believe me, the pleasure is all mine.
(Mr. Vodka is quite damaged, and I had decided that, as much as I wanted the pair, I was actually unwilling to pay the price they had on the messed-up one.  They were priced separately, you see.
The cashier mentioned the other one when I paid, and I explained that it just wasn't worth it to me because of the fact that it had been repaired (honestly, it's worse than what you can see in the photo - much of it in the back).
 Well, guess what?
She ran out the door after me and GAVE me the second one for free!
Are you kidding me?
 I thanked her profusely and remarked,
 "They DID need to be together!"
And home we all came, very happily, together.


  1. WOW! Those are fantastic! How cool that you have the pair.

  2. It would have been a SIN, A SIN, I tell you, to leave without the damaged one! Where would we put the vodka??? They are both great! And the damage is on the back where you can't really see it. Super finds. Love T
