Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Artful Artichoke

I think I may have shown you this nice appliqued wall hanging when I found it at a thrift store.
 Honestly, I don't remember whether I did or not, but I came across it again last week, tucked away in a drawer.
I thought it was cool, and I had wondered back when I first found it what "The Artful Artichoke" was all about?
 I thought perhaps it had been the name of a restaurant or something?
Or maybe the person who made it just loved artichokes (like I do!)?
So pretty; I love all the green calico fabrics they chose:
Well, fast forward to the other day when I was looking through a book I found at a thrift store.
And what do you suppose I found?
The pattern to make the very same wall hanging!
Neato. The book I bought about applique is from 1974. So my artichoke wall hanging may very well have been made back in the 70's.
This kind of stuff keeps happening to me; I have written about it before.
I'll find some neat vintage item at a thrift store or someplace, and then later I will find it in a book, or a magazine, or an old ad - you get the idea.
As I mentioned previously, I realize it should not surprise me to keep having this happen.
After all, if you are as obsessed as I seem to be lately with all things 60's and 70's, it stands to reason that you would keep coming across things in this way, as long as you keep picking up books and magazines from the same era as the items you are collecting!
And yet - there's just something about it.
I get a major kick out of it, each and EVERY time.
In fact, I get downright excited about it!
And that's why I write about it here on my blog.


  1. I think it is serendipity. It is the same thing as when I haven't been to the thrift store in months and decide to go and then find a nasturtium item or something else that was just meant for me. I love your artichoke, from reading the text, it looks like a lot of work went into it. And it would be a good name for a restaurant. Love T

  2. That is so beautiful! I just love handmade things like this. Not easy to find around here, weirdly enough. Are you going to hang it or display it in some way? If I had the money I'd frame some of the beautiful fabric crafts I find on rare occasions, but framing is way too expensive.

  3. What a fun treasure hunt! All things are connected, I love artichokes and you. Great post and finds.
