Thursday, June 19, 2014

To Taste For Lunch

 Last Saturday, I finally made it to Taste Restaurant in Plymouth, California for a lovely lunch with a group of girlfriends.
Two of them are my long time best friends - one since high school, and the other since way back in kindergarten!
 (I think perhaps I will not tell you how long ago THAT was!)
I had not seen the other two dear and wonderful high school chums for maybe 20 years, I think?
We had been trying to meet up at Taste, and it took us about six months to make it happen, with trying to mesh schedules, and some cancellations along the way.
But we finally managed, and it was SO nice to see everyone!
Lots of catching up, and a delicious lunch, too.
I had the Green Salad:
And this was the "Creekstone Farms New York Steak, German butterball potato cake, tempura onion rings (instead of asparagus), spring onion puree, and aioli":
And I am not one bit embarrassed to tell you that I devoured every single bite.
You can click on their name up above to go to their website and see their menus, etc.
It was fabulous.
And tomorrow, I will show you where we went AFTER lunch!


  1. Yummy! I am so happy you all finally got together! Looks like a very lovely place, I will have to try to go there one of these days. Love T

  2. So glad you guys made it happen. It is such a yummy place, I went there with Marsh too! She was SO excited to go again.
