Sunday, July 20, 2014

Wife Beaters (It's Not What You Think)

Wife Beaters, vintage style.
No, no - not what you think at all!
This type of "Wife Beater" is actually Campbell's Soup!
Yes, that's right, I said Campbell's Soup.
You see, back in 1936, this vintage advertisement proclaimed that:
"Women everywhere are cheerfully admitting that Campbell's beat them at soup making."
How cute is that little Campell's Kids gal, above?
"Shopping for Campbell's
Is such fun, you know.
I find it at grocers
Wherever I go."
And, of course that is still very true today, of course.
You'll find it wherever you go.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I spotted the tagline on this ad.
I HAD to buy it.
Quite frankly (and I have told you this before) we LOVE Campbell's Soup around here.
My husband has it for lunch nearly every day when the weather is cool.
We are big fans.
If you can't find a can of Campbell's Soup that you like, then, well, I'm sorry, but you must be the pickiest eater ever.
 They have a ton of varieties!
The goodness of Campbell's can't be BEAT.
And that's nothing to shake a stick at.


  1. Bean with Bacon has always been my favorite. Love T

  2. It's the best! Tomato is still my favorite next to a nice grilled cheese sandwich!

  3. I love the original tomato and there's nothing like the original chicken noodle when your sick.
