Friday, October 24, 2014

Another Costume - A Vintage One, This Time....

I have never owned one of these vintage costumes before.
But when I saw this one in the original box, I decided I needed to make it mine:
I rationalized that I could also use the box when decorating.
I put the costume on my other, older dress form "Maddy".
I found this silly mask you see below at a thrift store, too.
I had to stick a vintage tin canister upside-down over the neck of the form in order to put the mask on. I have added some "hair", too, since taking these photos, so that now her hair hides the tin that is, essentially serving as her head.
 (Hey, you can get pretty creative when you've got to work with what you have!
I found the canister at the same thrift store as the mask.)
Crazy, goofy skeleton monster gal:
Another item for the "not too scary" Halloween decoration displays at our house!


  1. Looks great! And the lettering on the box was worth the purchase alone!

  2. How amazingly awesome! I am always on the hunt for vikntage costumes like this, but I've not yet found any. I think the mask looks perfect with it. I love seeing all your finds on your blog.
