Monday, October 6, 2014

What's Penny Wearing? #112 A Weird Halloween Costume

Yes, I know it's weird.
But, I decided I wanted to try and outfit Penny for Halloween using only inexpensive thrift store finds.
And this is what I came up with:
A mask, a wig, and a dress:
I had to have some sort of a mask that I could get to stay on her.
After all, she's a wee bit like the Headless Horseman in that she has no head.
So it had to be something that would stay propped up.
And the wig just sort of "tops it all off", as it were.
She is saying "Won't you please come in......
.... you never know what sort of horrors may await inside."


  1. Very creepy. I'm not trick-or-treating at your house! Love T

  2. Oh my gosh... she's got to greet everyone at your door. She's wonderful. Love the mask and wig. Too bad you can't make her move... just a little as the little folks ring the door bell. Ha!
