Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas with the El Dorado Roses

Good morning, Tina here. 

A couple of weeks ago, while I was in Las Vegas, there was a lovely Christmas Parade in Placerville. The El Dorado Roses were there, minus this year's Rose (me). All dressed in their wonderful Rose finery, looking beautiful as always, my friends brightened the somewhat overcast day with their smiles. 

Having neglected to tell my son I was out of town, he yelled "Where's the Rose?" when he didn't see his sunbonneted pioneer-dressed Mom. Other than that, I don't think I was missed! It is so nice to have so many wonderful women to fill in when family business interferes with Rose business!

Today all of the Roses are gathering together for a much anticipated holiday lunch at the Diamond Springs Hotel.  Last week we went to a very special holiday tea party which also celebrated two Roses' birthdays, held at Carol's cozy log home in the middle of a huge rainstorm. She had many goodies, including chocolate dipped strawberries and lemon cake, with three kinds of tea. I tried both peppermint and ginger. It was very festive! Carol's hubby was there to meet us at our cars with an umbrella and assist us through the deluge to the front door. He took our soaking wet coats and served us in various other ways as the event went on. What a great guy!

As you can tell, we Roses have been busy enjoying the Christmas season, with the above events and the tree lighting which started it all off on November 28th.

One other fun event we took part in was the decorating of our tree along Highway 50 through Placerville. Some of us met one afternoon and made decorations for the tree, which were white roses tied with sparkly ribbons of mostly red.  I became a bow tying specialist that day. 

Then one very rainy day (we try not to complain about all this rain... after such a drought that we have been having) some of the ladies decorated the tree, and below on the left you see the result.

All in all this Christmas season with the El Dorado Roses has been busy and a lot of fun. And as I look forward to our luncheon today I know there is more to come!


  1. Love your pretty tree!!! Keep up the fun 'Rose' activities!!!!

  2. I loved seeing Christmas Tree Lane, the Rose tree looks pretty! The ladies all look so festive riding in the parade - wish you had been there with them!

  3. Hi Tina, you were missed by us as well! When the Roses went by I told my mom and sister, I know the El Dorado Rose this year! But then I looked for you on the float and didn't see you. Glad to hear the backstory and solve the mystery. Looks like the Roses are busy in the most merry of ways during the holidays. Darin and Nancy decorated a tree for the Bookery on that very rainy Saturday as well; they got drenched! Our family loves those trees so much, I have called them the "lighted ladies" ever since I moved to Placerville at twelve years old. And now Lucy calls them that too but sometimes she gets mixed up and says "Mama, I see a young lady!" Haha. Cheers to a wonderful season.
