Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Festival of Lights in Placerville November 28, 2014

Good morning, Tina here, aka El Dorado Rose 2014.

One of my duties this year was to take part in the lighting of Placerville's popular Christmas tree, which stands majestic at the corner of Bedford and Main Street next to what once was our post office. The Rose and her court, one of our Golden Roses, last year's Rose and one former court member all gathered on the front steps of the Courthouse to lead the countdown to the tree lighting last Friday.

I was especially thrilled to be a part of this ceremony, since I spent almost twelve years working in this beautiful building. The lovely lady above is with the Downtown Association and she organized the entire event, performers and all. It is a lot of work and she did a great job.

Christmas clad ladies of all ages started the performances with tap, clogging, belly-dancing, and lively enthusiasm!

It was a lot of fun to see mothers and daughters strutting their stuff.

I especially enjoyed the belly dancing, since I took a class several years ago just downtown from here above the Empire Theater. I don't think anyone would want me to perform though...

The wonderful Gold Rush Choir, who performed at the El Dorado Rose Pageant in June at the fair, were here singing carols, and it was great to hear them again.

Children gathered at the steps, enjoying the music and getting antsy for Santa to arrive.

Just before the time for the tree lighting, this talented group led us in uproarious caroling. The crowd gathered round, an amazing sea of happy, spirited families and friends. The streets and the parking lot across the way were jammed!

This is me with my friend Judy just after the countdown which we led loudly:  "Ten, Nine, Eight..." Don't we look Christmasy? (My computer is telling me that isn't a word... Ha!)

The Rose and her Court after doing our job to get the season started.

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, How Beautiful Your Branches!

The best shot I could get of the tree was from across the highway looking south from Bedford Avenue, as we walked back to the car.

A lovely evening to start the holiday season off in Placerville, and I am thankful I could be a part of it!


  1. As i drove in last night late, i was thrilled to see our town all lit up!!!! Thanks for the help!!!!!

  2. Oh, that looks like it was a fun evening. Wish I was over there so I could attend some of these things! Missing my home town.

  3. So festive and Christmassy!! You look so happy.
