Friday, January 23, 2015

Betsy McCall: Eating Out

I love the Betsy McCall paper doll pages in the old McCall's magazines.
When I was little, I used to cut them out and I saved them all carefully in a little wooden box.
I still have the box, but, sadly, not the paper dolls.
Here's a cute one, which has Betsy eating out with Mommy and Daddy:
Betsy gets to wear one of her pretty dresses, and she even gets a sundae (looks like hot fudge to me!) for dessert:
Pretty dresses by Joseph Love, and in the back of the magazine you could find out where to buy them.
Pink carrots embroidered onto a pink dress:
Betsy, Mommy and Daddy had fun eating out together:
(From McCall's Magazine, October 1958. I believe the artist was Ginnie Hoffman).


  1. Bringing back childhood memories!

  2. I always loved those paper dolls too. I am sorry you lost yours. I know you have some of the pages though, as do I. I was so interested in the clothes when I was little. McCall's sure was a great source for clothing. You could write your whole blog just on McCall's and I wouldn't get bored with it. Love T

  3. Love these!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!!

  4. I don't think my mother subscribed to magazines so we must have seen Betsy McCall in magazines at the dentist and optometrist office!

  5. I had a few Betsy McCall paper dolls when I was young. Later I would go thru any old McCall's magazines I could find just to get the paper dolls. I have quite a few pages of them someplace.
