Tuesday, January 20, 2015

No Two Are Alike

It appears that I am incapable of resisting these ceramic cottages for my collection:
 Lori counted them the other day after I found this one at the flea market.
I have twelve, and that doesn't include the two cookie jars, nor the two other vintage cottages I have that are a completely different style.
I would have loved to have been at a ceramics class, watching ladies paint these cottages back in the day.
Each lady doing her own thing, and creating a cottage that might be similar to the next person's, but never exactly the same.
Kind of like snowflakes,
only different.
They are so very sweet that I truly do find them irresistible.


  1. As you know, I love them too, although I only have one. Poor me. I love your new one! Love T

  2. I don't know how you fit all of these wonderful things into your house. I envision this massively filled home, with every nook and crannie filled. Some day I need to drive over, buy you lunch and let you show me how this collection is evolving. You own a three story mansion... right?

  3. How about a post showing your collection?? :)
    love rosie
