Sunday, February 8, 2015

Big Birthday For A Little Girl

We're celebrating the birthday of this little girl today:
 That's my sister Lori - how CUTE is she?!
There was a nice family dinner Friday night, and then earlier today, just we three sisters were able to get together and have a wonderful lunch at Smith Flat House in Placerville.
(I don't want to say how old she is, but that adorable photo above was taken 59 years ago.
You do the math.)

Happy Birthday, "Lorlore"!


  1. I had a very enjoyable weekend!!! Thankyou everyone!!!!

  2. Big cake for a little girl! Happy belated bday! I stopped counting at 29.

  3. She is enjoying her birthday in the country at our orange grove. Our mommy always made us the cutest cakes for our birthdays. Both Lori and I got to celebrate our first birthdays there. Love T
