Monday, March 2, 2015

A Very Special Edition Of Patterns From The Past: The Sound Of Music & Butterick

Fifty years ago today, "The Sound Of Music" had it's premiere in New York City.
It's one of the most beloved movie musicals of all time, but I'm sure you knew that.
I happen to be one of the people who loves it.
I really enjoyed Lady Gaga's musical tribute to the film during the Academy Awards show last weekend .
But when Julie Andrews walked out onto the stage afterwards?
Well, THAT brought tears to my eyes; I simply love her that much.
Less than one week later, I received a vintage Butterick Pattern Catalog that I had purchased on eBay in the mail.
 As I looked through it, I discovered this:
 I had no idea that patterns even existed that were inspired by the movie!
Shown in the two-page spread above, the delightful young actors and actresses who portrayed the Von Trapp children are: Charmian Carr, Angela Cartwright, Duane Chase, Nicholas Hammond, Kym Karath, Heather Menzies-Urich ,and Debbie Turner.

 And here are two of the Butterick patterns, number 3701, seen on Angela Cartwright in the photo:
And 3702, worn by Heather Menzies and Debbie Turner:
 I was unable to find a picture of pattern number 3700, worn by the other two "sisters" in the Butterick catalog photo layout.
{Edited on 4/3/15 to add:}
A kind reader sent me a link to a photo of pattern number 3700, so I wanted to include it here:
Three days after the Oscars telecast, I found this vintage hat with a label inside stating it is made of "100% Baumwolle" (which, from what I can gather, means cotton - cotton corduroy, in this case) at a thrift store for fifty cents.
 It reminded me of sort of an alpine-looking hat (I added the feather embellishment!), so I got a real kick out of the fact that, coincidentally,  it looked a little bit like the hat shown on the pattern - at least it does to me:
 "The hills are alive.....!"
And my love of "The Sound Of Music" will always stay strong and ring true.


  1. baum is baumwolle is "tree wool" and you are correct - cotton is the wool that grows on trees!

    Can we please bring back middies? for everyone?

  2. What a great find! Very interesting. I have to say I don't really care for the fashions, I can't imagine a lot of folks made them, except for the middie, perhaps that was more wearable. Cute hat! Love T

  3. Oh wow! How awesome is that?!!! Twyla

  4. I fondly remember my grandmother taking our family to "The Sound of Music"! My mother made us dresses that look like the native dresses with dirndls. My older sister's dress was sleeveless and worn with a white blouse. My twin and I had dresses out of the same fabric with long sleeves worn with red velveteen vests. I have a couple of books about the making of the movie and Charmian Carr's two books. Sister Alice and I met Charmian (Liesel) at her book signing!

  5. Cool a hipster hat and those patterns! Score

  6. Very nice, enjoyed this post!!!!

  7. I too have always loved The Sound of Music and Julie Andrews. As children my sister, brother and me and a few neighborhood friends sang as the Von Trapp children in the school talent show. Our dresses were all similar to Angela Cartwright's dress. That sort of sailor style must have been popular because we all had them and none of them were alike, and they were store bought. When I was about 19 our church did Sound of Music and I was lucky enough to play Mother Superior. For that I had to make my costume.

  8. What a great movie. One of my faves. I love those capes. I was born when my dad was stationed in Germany, so my mom bought me some baby-sized lederhosen and a cute little alpine hat.

  9. Here is Butterick 3700
    Thank you for these beautiful pictures!
