Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Bull

Tuesday, April 21st, and time for me to switch to the next page on my vintage Zodiac calendar.
Because a little bit of bull never hurt anybody (or then again, perhaps it has....):
 Taurus The Bull - the artwork on this calendar that I am planning/hoping to show you each time I flip to a new page is by Bruce and Ann Butte, and, as you can see, my calendar is from 1970:
I have fun trying to find little things to clip on up above each "month", because this hanger is the only thing that works for me to use to hold it.
I LOVE this colorful artwork so much!


  1. Well, that bull is pretty cute, and it looks like he knows it! Love the purple. Love T

  2. I remember that year! I come into your life in October. About a week before your birthday.
