Saturday, May 30, 2015

A "Round-Up" Of Gifts For My Friend Heidi

It was my friend Heidi's birthday yesterday, so I rounded up - and wrapped - her gifts and headed on over to her house to say howdy.
The horseshoe puzzle was made by an old boyfriend of mine back in the late 1970's, when he was a blacksmith at Columbia State Historic Park.
The coaster (or whatever it's supposed to be) goes with another, different one I had given her previously, and the little black colt and the black bandanna - well,  they were just because....
I found her a cute sort-of-western-style plaid shirt in pretty colors, and I made the cowboy boot pin for her.
Oh - and I found her a perfect card, too:
She collects vintage (and newer) souvenirs from Yosemite, so I was tickled when I found her this tile trivet.
It has a hanger on the back and she's going hang it up on the wall:
And this is how the gifts looked all wrapped up - that Origami-like fish that looks like a kite thing is actually a handkerchief ...
 (I just thought it was cool). I even had a small sheet of wrapping paper that had a southwestern style design on it. The bandanna wrapped up the Yosemite trivet perfectly and the little plastic horse got "tied up" with it, as you can see:
The shirt fits her perfectly, (she put it on and was wearing it when I left), the horseshoes got hung up on the wall with their other horseshoe friends, the colt got parked on the side of a planter pot in the dining room - you get the idea....
She loved everything, and I was so glad!
Don't you just love it when you find the perfect things for somebody special?


  1. Yes it is great to find the perfect gifts, and you are really good at it. They are all really wonderful and looked super all wrapped up. Love T

  2. What a nice and thoughtful friend you are to find such nice gifts! My favorite is the horseshoe puzzle. And I love the new Gold Countey Girls header!

  3. Your new header is so cute!! Love it!
