Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Ishi has an update on the front porch pansies

Good morning, Tina's kitty Ishi here. I have an update on the pansies Tina planted for her front porch. She wrote about them on March 11th.  It has been two months and they are flowering like crazy, and due to some unseasonably cool May weather, doing really well.

 I like to pose in the doorway, the screen door makes a striking frame, don't you think?

The pansies aren't the only flowers blooming, the lavender growing below the porch is going crazy, and the bees are very busy.

Almost everyday Tina pinches off the faded blooms so that the pansies will keep blooming and bush out a bit.

This geranium, although the plant doesn't look like much, has blossomed out with some beautiful red flowers.

The pansies are so bright and cheerful, they call to the hummingbirds, "come and get my nectar".

It almost seems like there is no room in the pot for more flowers! They were planted three in a pot, which turned out to be the perfect amount.

This view of the porch is the one I see most, since I am usually out and about looking for something to do.

Tina hopes the pansies will survive the heat of the summer which is coming up. We'll see.

The ivy geraniums, although very leggy because she didn't want to prune them, have started bursting into bloom with abandon.

The view through the screen door.

Well, I am off again. There are interesting things out there.


  1. Wow, what a view! Your porch and flowers are lovely, and I love your screen door!

  2. Thank you for the update, Ishi!
    You surely do have alovely view of all of those beautiful flowers, and I hope you appreciate Tina's hard work!

  3. Very beautiful flowers!!! No lack of a green thumb there!!!!!


  4. These photos are lovely! The last one looks like a graph for X-stitch.
