Saturday, July 11, 2015

Our Wallpaper, Again.....

I added another Seventeen Magazine to my collection recently,and what do you suppose I found inside?
(You'd never have guessed, but then, I suppose the title of today's post gave it away...)
It's an advertisement with a photo of the very wallpaper we have in our kitchen!
To take these pictures, I was holding the magazine up against the higher part of our kitchen wall.
The magazine is from 1965, so I would imagine that was when my in-laws had this wallpaper installed.
The advertisement:
Here's the only other picture of it I have - from a 1968 "Modern  Bride" magazine:
And below, you see a scan of the wallpaper that was in our kitchen prior to the orange and yellow flower power paper:
I found some scraps of it somewhere here in the house, and my husband even remembers the store where they purchased it.
It was sometime in the 1950's, he thinks, and when that wallpaper was on the kitchen walls, they also had a pink stove and other appliances at some point.
 He had told me about the stove, and when I came across this picture in one of my old magazines, he said yes - that's it!
The Frigidaire Flair Range:
 I wish I could have seen our kitchen back then!


  1. I love that you found your wallpaper in Seventeen! I really like it, and would have put it in my bedroom then if I could have! It would have gone perfectly with my orange door. Didn't you use that stove for a while when you first moved in there? Or if not, I am remembering it from somewhere else, I know I had friends who had one of those at their house on Ringgold Road, but it was white.
    Very interesting post. Love T

  2. That range is very different, I wonder if there are any out there still working today???
