Sunday, October 18, 2015

A Cute Vintage Washboard-Style Magnetic "Bulletin Board"

I realized the other day that I have never shown you this cute item that Tina gave me a few years ago.

It's the cutest vintage "bulletin board" type of thing, but in the style of a washboard,
 with a place to hang things up with magnets on the metal part, and also hooks along the bottom.
Isn't it cool?
 And, with the train on the top, it is just perfect for this house because my husband is a MAJOR railroad buff
(along with actually being a retired engineer/brakeman/conductor).
Here's a shot of the back of it:
 The only time I have ever seen anything like it is in the photo you see below.
 It's a picture from a feature on bathrooms in Seventeen Magazine from 1972.
 I think you can see that hanging on the wall there is one that is very similar, with something different in the top portion (perhaps a small chalkboard area - I really can't tell).
So I know it's from 1972 or thereabouts, and, as you may have gathered from a lot of my collections, I DO love my stuff from the 70's!
Thank you again, Tina!


  1. Do you think it was handpainted, etc.? My sister and I made a similar one for my grandmother probably in the later 70s. I think we got the idea from a craft magazine. Yours is very nice! Like that color.
