Saturday, November 21, 2015

Photos Of My Booth

I don't have a real big space at the shop I'm in now, (A. Flowers  at 18190 Main Street in Jamestown, California), and I wish I had more room for another table, but since I don't, I try to make my lone tabletop at least reflect the season as much as possible.
This is the way it looked when I left after my work day the first week of November:
And then when I went in last week, I wanted to put Christmas stuff in - so I changed it up again:
 I like this sparkly stuff on the table top - I couldn't get a good photo with the lamp switched on, though -
 there was too much glare, so here's one without:

And then in the rest of my pictures here today, you'll see some earlier versions - for instance, this photo was taken in August:
This one was in early September, I believe:
This one was in October:
And one more from late October:
This last shot shows some linens hanging by the side of the door:
That's it - just a few glimpses!


  1. It all looks really nice! Very well displayed. Love T

  2. Your booth looks great! Fun to see pictures - you sure do make the most of your space!
