Thursday, April 14, 2016

An Apple Pie

I have never made a strawberry-rhubarb pie like the one on the cover of this vintage copy of  "Farm Journal's Complete Pie Cookbook", but it surely does look good!
I think it would be a simply scrumptious springtime treat, and if you want to bake one and bring it over, I wouldn't slam the door in your face, LOL!
The pies in this book are some of the very best (I've written about this before..), as can be attested to by the fact that our Mother's Lemon Meringue Pie (on page 124) from this book would get the highest bids time and again at our 4-H Pie Socials that were held back in the day at Gold Oak School in Placerville.
 Farm Journal's "Best-Ever Lemon Meringue Pie" is, indeed"Superb", as Mother wrote in ink next to the recipe. She swore by Farm Journal's 5 Star Recipes.
But the last pie that I actually made was an apple pie.
Honestly, it was because I had apples in the refrigerator that simply had to be used.
I made the "Old-Fashioned Apple Pie" on page 51 of the book, with the changes for the "Crumb Apple Pie"  variation on the following page.
And baked - a gratuitous close-up:
You can't beat a nice slice, right?
I mean ... just, YUM, that's all I have to say.
(Wish I had some right now - this was a while back, I just found these photos and realized I had never written this post as I intended to do!)


  1. Strawberry rhubarb pie is my favorite! I will have to keep an eye out for the cookbook.

    Thanks for the yummy post topic.

  2. Oh boy, does that look good! I need to make a lemon meringue because I have a bunch of lemons I need to use up, but apple pie is my downright favorite. Yummy! Love T
