Wednesday, August 3, 2016

I Scream For...Well, You Know

Summer is a good time to scream for ice cream, don't you think?
Oh, who am I kidding?
I eat it all year 'round.
 Doesn't matter to me if the weather is hot or cold - at least, not so far as eating ice cream is concerned!
We've been finding some different options here lately, though.
Like this one - Dreyer's Grand German Chocolate Cake Spectacular:
I found that one sometime around late June.
And yes, it was very good!
The last time I was over at Lori's, she introduced me to this one,
Haagen-Dazs Caramel Cone Ice Cream.
Oh. My. Lord.
 It is REALLY good, too!
And most recently, I decided I wanted to try this one:
Dreyer's Slow Churned Oregon Black Cherry Ice Cream.
I have been looking for a good cherry ice cream.
We buy Dreyer's ALL the time - love them - but this one didn't quite do it for me. I expected it to be, well - different, somehow than it is.
My carton had very few cherries, and I wanted the ice cream to taste of cherries, also - and it doesn't.
Not the end of the world, and you never know unless you try something, so lesson learned.
And it may be the first flavor of theirs that I was disappointed in, so I'm  certainly still a fan.
(And when I say we buy it all the time, I am not kidding. I don't think I want to tell you how many different kinds of Dreyer's we have in our freezer right now.)
If you happen to be in the mood for something more than a simple dish of ice cream, and if you feel like getting really carried away, here's a banana split recipe for you:
(Illustration by from The Lip-Smackin' Joke-Crackin' Cookbook For Kids, by Wicke Chambers and Spring Asher, with illustrations by Spring Asher and Charles Clemens.)

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