Saturday, September 17, 2016

Saturday Farmer's Market

I finally made it to the Farmer's Market this morning for the first time this season!
 (Which is ridiculous, since it started in May, but, there you have it.)
 Our cupboard wasn't exactly bare - but we did go to the supermarket as well, after the Farmer's Market.
Here's the flower vendor, with their booth set up under our lovely mural:
 And a close-up of their gorgeous sunflowers:
 My favorite thing to get at the market?
These babies, right here:
 (LOVE tomatoes!)
 We got our tomatoes from one of my favorite vendors, who also happens to be one of the owners of a thrift shop I frequent.
These beautiful flowers were hers, as well:
 We also bought some squash:
 It would be far too easy to spend a small fortune at this market, if I could allow myself to get carried away.
The grapes were reasonably priced, though:
 This booth certainly was colorful and pretty:
And here's a close-up of their pumpkins:
I am going to make sure I go at least one more time before it ends next month!
And I'm going to leave you with one more photo of Kristy's flowers:
Hope you're all having a wonderful Saturday!!