Thursday, January 19, 2017

A Christmas Craft Fair

Hi! Sis Lori here, today.
This past fall I sold my items at two different craft fairs.
One, unfortunately, was not well attended, but the other
was better.
 I make a variety of crafts, most using vintage items.
      I have a very good friend who shares the table and fees with me.
      She makes beautiful beaded jewelry, bracelets, earrings, etc., as you can see below:
 I finally made a few vintage baby block Christmas trees, so that was a new item this time for me:
Also new were vintage tart tin ornaments with vintage Christmas
seals used in the background and other added adornments.
 I made some glass garland candy canes, too - that idea came from the talented Magpie Ethel!
Also seen in my photos are key fobs, vintage button rings, snowman tea lights, etc.
 The snowman Hershey nuggets shown at the bottom in the photo above are very popular; it seems I can never make enough!!! These are my standard, repurposed clothespins made  with washi tape tiny strong magnet on back. I also make the "skinny" note pads.
A couple more close-up photos:

I also tried some designs for Christmas corsages w/vintage items I have collected.
Heidi gave me some great ideas!
 She has a flair for décor!!!!!

             We will probably do it again next year.

(And just a note to end on: If you have a Square reader for accepting credit cards, that can be really helpful!
 After all, who wants to lose a sale after all your hard work?!
Not me.)


  1. So, I'm curious - what sold and what didn't? I am thinking of making a few dolly quilts or Christmas themed items to sell at next year's craft sale at work.

    First I have seen of those alphabet trees.

  2. I love your little alphabet trees so much! You are so talented my crafty sister! Love T

  3. Everything looks so nice! Those block trees are so cool!

  4. Your booth was filled with lots of cuteness! Love the idea of using the vintage Christmas
    seals for the background in the tart tins!

  5. Lori, I love anything with letter blocks and also miniature wood ornaments so I love your trees. They are really cute. I also love the Scrabble tiles, the tart tins, and the corsages. I used to make similar corsages about 35 years ago. I recognize your clothespins and note pads. Linda showed me some you had given her. I kept them when she passed and I think of you when I use them.
