Wednesday, January 11, 2017

A Visit With Old Friends - And I Really DO Love Lemon

I had the pleasure of being invited to stay with some very dear old friends a couple of weeks before Christmas. Marcia and I have been friends since kindergarten, and I'm also very close to her sister Kim. Their mom now lives with Kim and her husband, just down the hill from Marcia. 
We had such a wonderful visit, and they treated me to lunch and dinner out in Placerville on Main Street, and a delicious dinner at home, as well, while I was there.
 I wish I had a photo of us together, but it seems I can NEVER remember to take pictures!
 (Too busy talking, I think....)
Kim brought out cookies for dessert one evening.
 She had lots of them in the freezer!
Some she had made, and other varieties, also, from a cookie exchange party.
They were ALL good, but my favorites were some lemon cookies she had made herself.
They were SO good that I simply HAD to ask her for her recipe, and she happily obliged.
 ( She's like that - the entire family is. The most wonderful people you could ever hope to meet. I adore them.)
 I'm sharing the recipe with you today, too:
 The recipe is from "Real Simple" Magazine:
As it so happens,we were given a huge twenty pound bag of Meyer lemons for Christmas.
We have lemons coming out of our ears, and that's just fine with me.
 Because - as I state in the title of my post - I really DO love lemon!
I'm juicing them and freezing the juice, and I can't think of anything I'd rather make room for in my freezer.
It took me a while to get around to it, but I finally had time to make some of the cookies this week:
 Another thing I enjoyed at Kim's was having a nice hot cup of tea.
She had a number of teas to choose from, as well.
Guess which one I chose?
Bigelow "I Love Lemon" Herbal Tea:
 And then, I had to try and find THAT, too, so I could enjoy it at home.
Our Safeway store doesn't carry it, but my husband found it for me at PriceCo here in Sonora, and it was on sale!
So, if you're in the neighborhood, and you want to stop by for a "cuppa", I've got lots of tea, and cookies, and lemons.
 If you like lemon.
Or if you LOVE lemon.
Like I do.


  1. Any time, Lorlore! (But you know that...)

  2. Those cookies look yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  3. Yum - you've put me in the mood for a cuppa and a cookie!

  4. Looks delicious! And cheery! I need it after all the rain and the power being out for almost 24 hours. Love T
