Saturday, February 25, 2017

Nabisco "Hamies" And The Piggy Bank

I was looking through an old magazine (from March of 1967, so a fifty-year-old magazine, to be very nearly exact)
 the other day, and when I came across this advertisement for a "new" Nabisco cracker called "Hamies",
I thought, "Gee, that pink pig looks familiar":
 I can't say that I recall Nabisco's Hamies, and I think it's more than likely that I never tasted one.
There are so many types of Nabisco crackers available these days that I couldn't possibly mention them all, so just click here, and then scroll down when you get there and you can check them all out on your own, if you so desire.
I don't think you will find any "Hamies", though...
Anyway, here's a closer look at the piggy bank:
He looked familiar because he is quite similar to one that I have:
 I found mine at a thrift store, and I have shown him here on the blog before.
 But I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I'm reasonably certain that not too many people have read, nor remembered, the more than 3000 posts that have been written on this blog since 2007.
So, it's very possible that you may not have seen him before!
 I've had the green one below, however, for close to fifty years.
Forty-eight, maybe?
 You can see that mine are less detailed than the one in the advertisement, so they were most likely made a bit later than the one shown in the 1967 ad , perhaps "copied" by a different company - but most certainly made in Japan, as were nearly all of the banks I have in my collection.
Hope you enjoyed seeing my little piggies again - or for the first time - whichever the case may be! 


  1. I think this is very interesting! At first I thought it was a giveaway, but I guess it wasn't. Now all you need is to fill it with money and you are all set! I personally find the sound of the Nabisco Hamies very unappealing. I can understand why they didn't stick around. Love T

  2. Those piggies are very cool. Interesting to see one in an old ad. And, I don't remember "Hamies" either. Short lived maybe??
