Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Poppies are a Sign it's Spring in California

Tina here.

Here at our home in Kelsey we have been waiting for our poppies to bloom. A couple of weeks ago we could see color starting, but then horrendous storms with pounding rain have hit a couple of times, winds at 50 miles per hour, even hail visited. The poppies retreated and it seems they may not come back. This is our 20th spring, and I think there was only one when we had no poppies.

These photos from March are of the rolling hills that surround Interstate 5, along the Ridge Route in Southern California. It is so unbelievably beautiful I can hardly stand it. I want to be there!

Two gorgeous examples of my two favorite colors, orange and green, with a such-a-perfect-blue-it-must-be-magic sky thrown in.

Honk, honk! Hey you drivers! Look up! You don't want to miss this! California Gold at its best! The Golden State is dressing herself up for Easter!

If you have a place nearby you where poppies bloom, such as off Highway 49 in the Gold Country, go for a drive, take a picnic along perhaps, and go looking for a florescent glowing hillside. One hint of how to find good places: they are usually south facing and very often will be near rivers or a body of water.


  1. Wow! Those photos look like pastel pictures. Beautiful!

  2. I hope they still bloom!! Love that view!!!!

  3. Beautiful!!
    We DO love our state flower here in California; that's for sure!

  4. What an amazing view - just beautiful! We have some poppies that come up in our but it will be a while before we see them.
