Sunday, June 4, 2017

Blogger Meet-Up: A Special Day In Portland!

Lori and I took a road trip up the Oregon coast and into Washington, and I am going to do a number of posts about our trip.
We got to meet Alicia Paulson of  Posie Gets Cozy and Laurie Romanaggi of Magpie Ethel on the same day, and we could not have been more delighted!
It was Alicia's blog that introduced me to the world of blogging, and inspired me to try and begin one of my own.
First we met Alicia and her adorable daughter Amelia at
Monticello Antique Marketplace and had a lovely lunch with them at Monti's Cafe:
After having shopped at Monticello and having enjoyed their company, we got to go see the famous Magpie Ethel Studio!
You know - where all the Magpie Ethel Magic happens?!
I snapped a few photos.
So much to see, I  think we were mesmerized by it all.
Surrounded by vintage delights and bits and bobs in every little nook and cranny.
And it was so much fun to meet Laurie!
Lori took this picture of us:
Thanks to Lori AND Laurie for the nice pic!
 (Can you tell I was happy to be there?)
I have always enjoyed seeing all of the pictures Laurie posts on her blog, but being there in person was pretty spectacular!
I wish I had gotten more photos.
We felt truly lucky, indeed, to have had the opportunity to meet both of these nice, talented, creative and inspirational women!
(Oh - and and I wanted to say also that getting to meet Amelia was an extra-special bonus - because we were hoping she was coming, too - but we didn't know until we saw them arrive whether she would be there!)


  1. Yes, you were lucky indeed! And I hope they felt the same way about meeting my special and talented sisters too! Love T

  2. It was a super special meetup indeed with both of these talented and delightful ladies!!
    Loved every minute!!!!

  3. Sounds like so much fun. And, Heidi, you look beautiful!

  4. How fun! I am reading this long after it happened. I do not visit blogs much these days. I got involved in Twitter and the political news and lost track of so many blogs! Taking some time to visit yours today to catch up and how fun to see the familiar faces from other blogs I visit, most of which I probably visited through your blog links! I follow Magpie Ethel on Instagram now. How grown up sweet Amelia is! Guess I need to pop in to visit that blog, too.

    I am not much of a commenter but wanted you and your sisters to know I enjoy your blog very much. We have many of the same interests in the things we remember from back in the day!

    Laurie S.
