Friday, September 15, 2017

Ten Years As A Blogger!

This month marks the tenth anniversary of our blog here at Gold Country Girls.
With over 3000 posts now under our belts, my sisters and I would like to say thank you to every single person who has ever read (and, hopefully, enjoyed?) one of our posts.
We three do write about a wide variety of subjects, so it is my hope that there truly may be something for everyone here, if you were to go back and pore through our "archives".
 Please be prepared to sit a spell and linger for a while, if you do! There's an awful lot to read and a myriad of pictures to go along with all of the text.
I also wanted to ask our loyal readers to please "Forgive Me"!
 For what?
For my lack of regular posts, of course!
I have been devoting all of my time to working on my business selling vintage goods, and also to the long-neglected task of organizing all of the things I want or plan to sell, and also to putting my house and storage areas in to some sort of  order, rather than the disorganized chaotic mess it has all been for far too long.
This has left me with little to no time for blogging, as I am also now working at Mountain Treasures at least one day a week here in Sonora.
Writing this blog is still important to me, but it does require a fair amount of time, and that is what has been lacking.
I fully intend to start posting more often, and I will be trying my very hardest to do just that!

On a completely different subject, I wanted to share with you all today a photo of our Mother that I found when looking through old family photos at Tina's while I was at her house for a visit last month to celebrate her birthday.
(Oh, and that vintage sheet music above is Tina's too - I loved it and had to snap a photo of it!)
I did not remember Mother having one of those great, colorful embroidered burlap bags, but the proof is in the picture.
 (I do wish I knew what color it was, though! I'm sure it was colorful, not that you can tell in this black and white photo.)
That's not a very good picture of our mom, so here's one of my favorites of her school teacher photos, taken somewhere around the same time frame, so that you can see how pretty she was:
 Didn't she just have the loveliest smile?
Yes, she really did. We miss you, Momma!
Okay, so back to those beautiful embroidered bags - here are some much more colorful photos of some that I have found.
 We'll start with the most colorful:
 And next we have this lovely one in aqua and white:
 And one in brown and russet tones:
 And last of all, a cool sort of zig-zag pattern in pink, black and yellow:
I love them, but I don't use them, so I'm planning to offer them for sale - just as soon as I can find the time!
 (The one in the first photo has already sold.)
So, that concludes the colorful part of today's celebratory post.
And thank you again, dear readers, for sticking with us for the last decade.
And if you have just found us, PLEASE comment; the comments make us so incredibly happy - because it makes us feel as though we are actually connecting with people out there in this big wide world.


  1. Heidi, I do look forward to your posts but I can totally understand about not having time since I still haven't had time to start selling any of my sister's things! Love the picture of your Mom. I can see the family resemblance. Either my grandmother or my aunt had an embroidered bag similar to the ones you show. My favorite is the first with all the many bright colors. Good luck with all your selling and organizing. I'm trying to do the same thing!

  2. What a lovely sweet post. You are such a hard worker, for so long you did a post every day, and I think you deserved a bit of a rest! I do remember Mother's burlap bag, and I think it had fall colors, gold, orange, and some brown, etc. That is all I can tell you. I am trying to get back to my regular Weds. posts too! I do like writing them, and it is fun to go back an reread them sometimes. Love T

  3. Waving hello from the East Coast and wishing the Gold Country Girls a very happy anniversary - 10 years? That's amazing! Thanks for creating this delightful blog and sharing so many wonderful things about where you live and lots of great memories. Continued good health and prosperity to all you!
    Hugs, Phyl D

  4. 10 years! Congrats! Blogs are more work than some people realize. Love the vintage goodies you share. Here's to 10 more years!!
