Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Growth Of A Great And Special Pumpkin

Hi there!
Sis Lori here, long time no see! I had to move again, not far, but lots of work and all that goes along with that!
Anyway, I wanted to share something that I was so proud of about my son Steve recently before Halloween is gone!
He and his beautiful wife Nicole recently bought the home he was raised in from his Dad in Placerville which is in the Mosquito Area, a lovely place!
There has been a Pumpkin contest for a few years his friends started. This year he had a nice place to have a garden spot. That's Layla checking it all out!

The seeds were actually started when he lived in Folsom and before they moved to their new home.

               Here it is after some time during the growth process:

Dad also lives on the property in a "granny flat",  and it is a competition pumpkin contest so the other smaller planting you see in this photo is his:
Here are a number of photos, at various stages of the growth, in progress.......

We really had a pretty darned hot summertime here for quite a while this year!!!!

Layla was a great protector of the Great Pumpkin!!!!!!

Here we are in the final stages!!!!!!

Below, you see the loading of the pumpkin.
Thankfully the party was not far away from their home!!
In the photo are Ryan, Nicole, and Steve.
Ryan and his wife Chelsea are the organizers of the Pumpkin Party and the Contest.

Loading on to the truck, with Dad Steve helping out.
 Our son Steve's pumpkin is near the cab window of the truck and Dad has the strap around his own nice pumpkin towards the gate of the truck:

The next photo shows the unloading of the two pumpkins with a forklift at the party site:
The Goat Mountain Giant Pumpkin Contest in Mosquito, California.
Careful, now, we could have a winner here!!!
Here is a video of the weighing of my son Steve's Great Pumpkin.
The weight is a little unclear and hard to hear.
You can see the results in the following entry chart photo below.
#1 Jr -  My Son
#6 Sr - His Dad

And the final results, as listed on the board:
 Yes, that's it:
His pumpkin weighed in at a whopping 510 pounds!
There was a lot of hard work and prep put into this and I was super proud of him. It was pretty exciting!
He will continue again and attempt an even larger pumpkin next time!!!!
Happy Halloween, everybody!
And may The Great Pumpkin  find YOUR pumpkin patch to be the most sincere of them all!


  1. I was SO excited about my nephew's winning pumpkin when I first heard!
    I loved the story, the progress photos, and I LOVE the fun video.
    Thank you so much for this (great) Great Pumpkin Post, Lori!!
    LOVED all of it!

  2. That's one lovely pampered princess of a pumpkin all right! I know Steve's cousin (my son Josh} was trying to get the secrets out of him! It is jawdropping how big it is! Love T
