Saturday, February 10, 2018

Yet Another Turn At "The Drawing Board"

I've got more fabulous and colorful stationery items from "The Drawing Board" to show you.
(I've written about this great company's items three times before - click here if you'd like to see my previous posts.)
I'll start with these wonderful flower power party invitations:
Precisely the kind of vintage artwork that I completely adore;
here they are in the original package, and a view of the inside:
And this little owl card is from The Drawing Board, too - how cool is HE?!
The next few are not ones that I own , but only wish I did - more  invitations with colorful flowers:
And invitations for a Bon Voyage Party:
A groovy mushroom stationery tablet:
And a lovely fluttering butterfly invitation:
I'd add every single one to my little collection, if that were possible!
Because I love them all.