Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Happy Anniversary To Us

It's our anniversary today, so I thought I'd post the front of this cute little card given by my husband's dad to his mom in the 1940's.
It has a sweet little sentiment:
A happy anniversary to that certain one who rates...
as the very nicest partner in the whole United States!
We may not have a million...
but we're happy as can be,
for we have each other, sweetheart, and that's good enough for me!
I get to pick a restaurant for dinner. Mexican food is nearly always my first choice, so that's what it will be tonight. I especially love bringing home leftovers, which makes it seem like an extra dinner for free!


  1. Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your dinner. Love T

  2. Happy Anniversary! What a darling card and how sweet it is that it was originally from your husband's parents. Mexican food is my favorite choice when eating out too, it's hard to beat! Have a great dinner together!

  3. Happy Anniversary! How many years? Twyla

  4. Happy Anniversary Heidi Ann! Enjoy your celebration.


  5. Thank you -I'm looking forward to it!

  6. Happy Anniver-sa-ry!
    Happy Anniver-sa-ry!
    Happy Anniver-sa-ry!
    Anniver - sa - ry!!!!
    (to be sung like the Lone Ranger theme).
    Love you!! Kari

  7. Happy anniversary to you and Brian! I'm sure you've had your dinner by now. I hope it was great! (And I hope you had plenty of leftovers.) Love, Deb
