Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Placerville Maid!

I am a few days early, but I am using this post to wish my little sister Heidi a very happy birthday, and to share some older photos I have found of her.
Happy Birthday Sis!

This is Heidi in 1971. I discovered this photo and the one below on a floppy disc which I had loaded with photos that I had on my computer at work, and then misplaced for five years. I don't know where the original photo is. Isn't she cute? I love the choker. I don't know where she is going all dressed up, hopefully she remembers.
This is Heidi with her date. Going to prom? I don't know the year, it could be 1972. I just love the lilac dress. Penny, eat your heart out.

October 1969, it was almost Heidi's birthday. Here are the little sis and big sis together.
Tina, Lori, Daddy and Heidi. This is in our rented house on Woodland Drive in Placerville. I had come to visit with my fiance, so he could get to know my family and the Placerville area. We took my sisters on an outing to Apple Hill.
Heidi at Boa Vista in Apple Hill in October 1969 trying to enjoy a candy apple. However, a bee is very interested in her apple. Heidi is not too fond of bees.

Yikes, maybe I should give up and take this sticky sweet thing to the garbage can. Maybe one of my bigger sisters can do it for me?
Okay, bee be gone, all settled down now and ready to eat. Except Lori looks like she may have found the bee...
A very happy early birthday to our Placerville Maid, we always have thought you could have been the model for this bartlett pear label.


  1. Oh, my goodness - thank you, Tina!!! I appreciate the early birthday wishes, and it was so much fun to see all of these old pictures, some of which I haven't seen for YEARS! In the first photo, I was dressed up to go into town and watch the Wagon Train Parade. I'm wearing my favorite blouse of all time - a peasant style in black cotton with black cotton crocheted lace, purchased on Olvera Street. It's the same one I wore in the picture of Debbie and me, taken with Frankenstein at the Movieland Wax Museum in Buena Park. And the picture with the lavender dress - another old fave - it was panne velvet with crepe sleeves (wish I still had it!), we were on our way to the Senior Ball, May of 1972. I was tickled to see the Apple Hill photos - under my sweater was a wraparound sleeveless dress that either I made or Lori did- what gorgeous fabric that was sewn with! And the pictures with Daddy - bittersweet, for sure. We still miss him so; hard to believe he's been gone for 33 years.
    As Bob Hope would say (or sing), "Thanks For The Memories"! SO much.

  2. I did make that yellow dress for you, I remember it now. Not loving my eyeglasses choice back then, LOL!!! Loved the photos!! Thanks big sis!! Happy B'day early to little sis!!!!

  3. heidi could have been the model for that label. love the photos. also loved the comment 'penny, eat your heart out' - so very true.

  4. Oh what great photos! Love this post. When I brought the magazines home from your house the other day, Chuck saw the cover of the two little blonde girls and said, "Hey, that looks like Heidi and her sister!" You gals were model material for sure. Happy Early Birthday my friend.

  5. happy birthday to a lovely placerville lady! the old pictures were so fun to look at, and i have to say heidi, that Olvera Street blouse ROCKS! oh bygone fashions, how i love you!

    anyway hope you had a wonderful birthday this year.
