Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One Of Our Favorite Pies

One of our favorite pies that Mother used to make is the Frosted Apple-Raisin Pie from Farm Journal's Complete Pie Cookbook:

I like it so well that I even used to request it instead of birthday cake sometimes when I was young. These days, I have to make it myself if I want one:
And, that's exactly what I did:

It's good without ice cream, too - but I do so enjoy it with some of my favorite Dreyer's:
And if you're interested, here is the recipe - complete with Mother's own little notes:

Hope you like it!


  1. Love that pie! I sometimes make it for Thanksgiving and Christmas too, as you probably know. Yum Yum. I am enjoying it vicariously through your post. Love T

  2. i love pie more than cake. i cannot make a good pie crust though. traverse city has a pie co. that has stores (now) throughout the state. great pies - but pricey - but you can't put a price on a good pie. looks good heidi!
