Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Few More Colorful Rooms

Splash flowers all over the walls! You can if you want - with these first two examples. First up, this colorful bedroom from Seventeen magazine, circa 1973:

And this one! Whoa. This is a laundry room, from Better Homes And Gardens 1968:
See? I told you it was a laundry room:

From RB Furniture advertisements in the LA Times Home magazine, June 1970. Those corner bed/table deals were fairly popular back then, from what I can gather. I just want the lady head vase and the clock their bookshelves:
Along with all of the cool posters on their walls!

Far out.


  1. It's so funny... Like you (all), I think I grew up about the same time, and I remember having a bedroom something like this. But I personally never cared for the late 60's, early 70's style...

    Until people like you and blogger MoonDoggie started to feature these styles, and made me realize, it was quite wonderful after all!!

  2. It IS funny that you should bring that up, because there was a long period of time where I didn't like any of this stuff - and lately I have really been loving it again - along with all of the other vintage "eras" I adore. I'm just a vintage FREAK, I am. And I like WAY too many things - from Victorian and up to the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's - you see where I'm going here.....

  3. that is some laundry room - wish mine was that nice - i have the nicest one i have ever had now that john remodeled the farm for us to move into. but it is tiny tiny tiny. it was my gram and gramps bedroom - no electricity or closets. literally, hard workin farm folk used it only to sleep. love the posters on the last two.

  4. oh my goodness these rooms are AWESOME. i will be honest, that top room with the patchwork canopies is basically my dream room. i love all the turquoise and yellow, so cheerful! and the laundry room is so adorable. looks like it is a home office too. i can definitely imagine getting some work done at that cool little typewriter! i seriuosly want that whole room in my dream house someday. i love how there is a typewriter in the next room too, and that pretty violet gray lamp. and the record player in the last one looks like it is the same one darin and i have, we are listening to it right now! these are so inspiring, thank you for posting!

  5. SO glad you liked them "Moonshine"! I think they're pretty cool, too. That's why I LOVE to find them and share them here. I always dreamed of having a fab room when I was a teenager - and even now I am STILL unable to fulfill my decorating fantasies- dang it anyhow!
    And I love that you were listening to your record player like the one in the picture! Abbey Road, by any chance?

  6. Ohhhhh i love these pictures am just loving the laundry room wow those colours and shapes are just gorg ;-) Dee x

  7. These rooms are so fantastic! Thanks for sharing. Groovy! Twyla

  8. If you are interested in head vases, check out the Martin Auction Co. Head Vase Auction TOMORROW November 13th at 10:30 AM! Find it live online at!

  9. Hi there,

    What a wonderful blog. was expose to it while looking for vintage design inspiration...

    I have 3 sisters myself so it moved me to read your blog.

    Thank you for a wonderful saturday morning reading!

    Noa from Israel
