Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Coffee Cakes

Our mother used to make a fabulous coffee cake for Christmas morning.We all have enjoyed it very much over the years. It's a recipe out of an old 1955 Knudsen recipe book, Knudsen Coffee Cake. I changed the white sugar to brown in the topping, and we like to add a few well drained, chopped red and green maraschino cherries for some Christmas "color". Years ago, I sort of made myself the Self-Appointed Maker Of The Christmas Morning Coffee Cakes - I tried whenever I could manage it to get a coffee cake to each family household so that all of us could enjoy it on Christmas morning - because we didn't all get together until later in the day for dinner. Well I did pretty well for a long time - but I just didn't always get it done. This year I actually was able to get two of them made last Friday to take over to my sisters on Saturday so that each of them would have one for Christmas this year. I have been busy (like everyone else)- after getting all of the gifts wrapped, then it was 5 days in a row of either baking or decorating cookies and/or coffee cakes. Oh - and I should not EVEN be eating this stuff! Alas- it IS the holiday season! And all of the work was finished after I baked two more cakes last night - all that's left now is dinner tonight and tomorrow, which won't be bad - not doing it all myself!

Wishing everyone the happiest of holidays!


  1. We sure did love the coffeecake at this sisters house. My children remember it well from years past. Even though they are 27 and 22 now they were excited to have it there for Breakfast! Thank you sooooo much!!!! Love Lorlore

  2. Heidi,

    Can I get this recipe?

    Merry Christmas to you!!!! I love looking at all your holiday decorations. I feel like I'm sharing Christmas with you!

    Love, Deb

  3. We loved our coffee cake too, and we are still loving it, I just now had a little piece, and I noticed hubby grabbed one on the way to work. Son JW was complaining he had to make his own for Christmas morning (because we didn't go over to see him and the granddaughters until later in the morning Christmas). At least he can bake! Heidi, these cakes are definitely appreciated when you can make them for us! It is a tradition to have that delicious taste in our mouths. Love T

  4. Deb - The recipe has been sent to your e-mail address! Hope you like it! Love, H.

  5. I would love to have this recipe, if you don't mind sharing.

  6. Hi Melanie - I just sent you an e-mail!
    Thank you for commenting.
