Friday, December 21, 2007

Norman Rockwell - A Christmas Print & More

This framed print was a giveaway gift when you purchased a television in the 1950's sometime. Nope - those kids aren't interested in their toys that were under the tree - they are enthralled with the television set. Well, I won't even go into My Lifelong Love Affair With TV on this post, so let's suffice it to say that I can relate.
And on the subject of Norman Rockwell, I have admired his artwork for too many years to count! When I was in high school,I was buying The Saturday Evening Post because they still had covers by and/or articles about him. And I used to go to the county library after school and pull out and pore over the HUGE tome they had full of his art. Years later, I finally managed to acquire my own copy of that beautiful book. I wanted the Green Giant advertising tray that featured the image below, and Mother bought it for me as a gift from an antique shop way back then. I even sent him a letter before he died, and received a reply! I asked if he remembered painting "Who's Having More Fun?", and he did not - but I was later delighted to discover an article by his son Peter - and learn that he himself had posed for that painting!

(I think you can click on the picture to enlarge if you are interested in reading this excerpt from the article)

I have collected numerous books, articles and magazines about him during the years since then. Maybe I will write more about Rockwell, one of my favorite artists in the world, at a later date. (I'm supposed to be baking today!)

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