Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's My Birthday

My sister gave me this adorable little birthday girl a few years ago. So close - the little rhinestone marker missed the day by just one! I call her my Birthday "Eve" girl - get it?
I still want to have a birthday cake - I miss birthday cake, okay? I mean - look how excited I was with my birthday cake at 2! I STILL love cake - I love sweets WAY too much, in fact.
I really do still feel like I never really did quite grow up. That can be good or bad depending on how you look at it, I suppose. But it's true. I found this card a while back. I liked it so much that I can't bear to give it away to anybody. This is the front of the card:And here is what it says on the inside:
Enough said. I'm off to play....

(Card by Laughing Elephant, Seattle)


  1. Happy Birthday Heidi!!!


  2. Have a wonderful Birthday!
    best wishes
    Ginny x

  3. Happy Birthday Heidi Ho!!!!! You know, you are one of my favorite people in the whole world for just the qualities you are describing in your post - I love you!!!!

  4. Oh, and P.S., this seemed appropriate!!

    I won't grow up,
    (I won't grow up)
    I don't want to go to school.
    (I don't want to go to school)
    Just to learn to be a parrot,
    (Just to learn to be a parrot)
    And recite a silly rule.
    (And recite a silly rule)
    If growing up means
    It would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree,
    I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up
    Not me!
    Not I,
    Not me!
    Not me!
    I won't grow up,
    (I won't grow up)
    I don't want to wear a tie.
    (I don't want to wear a tie)
    And a serious expression
    (And a serious expression)
    In the middle of July.
    (In the middle of July)
    And if it means I must prepare
    To shoulder burdens with a worried air,

    I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up
    Not me,
    Not I,
    Not me!
    So there!
    Never gonna be a man,
    I won't!
    Like to see somebody try
    And make me.
    Anyone who wants to try
    And make me turn into a man,
    Catch me if you can.
    I won't grow up.
    Not a penny will I pinch.
    I will never grow a mustache,
    Or a fraction of an inch.
    'Cause growing up is awfuller
    Than all the awful things that ever were.
    I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up,
    No sir,
    Not I,
    Not me,
    So there!

  5. Wonderful card, wonderful birthday eve girl - hope you're having a wonderful day!

  6. Thanks so much, everybody!! And Kari - That is correct - I WON'T grow up - not me!

  7. Hope you had a happy birthday! Yesterday we were celebrating my mother-in-laws birthday. In our house we celebrate birthday eve also, the birthday person gets taken out to dinner while the birthday 'table' is set up with the presents and the cake. Your little girl is adorable! Twyla

  8. Hope you had a great birthday, here's to never growing up!!!!!

  9. Finally adding my Happy Birthday. As I told you I tried on your birthday and would have been first but there was some kind of glitch. I know you had a fun day. Me too. Love T

  10. Oh! That card is so me! :> Happy belated birthday! ;>
