Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Then And Now #17 Minute Rice

First up, a Minute Rice advertisement from 1957:
And another from 1963 with a recipe for leftover turkey:
This 80 page recipe book is dated 1965:
And the "Now" - as it looks today:
And , of course, it's available in brown, too.
And, most recently, they jumped on the ready-to-serve bandwagon to offer this, as well:
There are a lot of other quick rice options available these days, but Minute Rice was always in our house when we were growing up - and I still use it today.

1 comment:

  1. I bought some of the ready to serve brown Minute Rice in the little cups but haven't tried it yet. When we were growing up I used to make Minute Rice after school and eat it with soy sauce on it. I loved it. That and a bag of winesap apples and I was happy. Love T
