Thursday, January 22, 2009

Red Wing Dinner Plates

My mother-in-law had a lot of dishes. And so do I. Back before we moved into this house - to clear some room in the cupboards - my husband packed up SOME of the things and they were stored in a huge box in the basement. Among her dishes were partial sets of these two vintage Red Wing patterns - Bob White:
And Tampico:
They remained packed up for a long time, and then I started thinking I needed to get rid of some things. Well, I tried to sell various items, and I did sell a couple of serving pieces and cup and saucer sets in these two patterns. But no one ever bought the plates. I finally just decided "to heck with it" - I'm keeping them. I mean, it was never about not liking them. It wasn't even about not WANTING them. It was only about not NEEDING them. And the fact that I really CAN'T KEEP EVERYTHING! (Sorry - I thought maybe if I shouted, I would hear that.) Oh, yeah - and storage space. Well, I finally managed to clear a place for them on a pantry shelf, 8 of one set, and 6 of the other, all stacked together. And I have used them occasionally, and will again. And I'm keeping them. I really like them.
There was only one plate in the Capistrano pattern, above, with the swallow. Tried to sell that, too. And then I gave up and brought it home, and I've displayed it ever since.
I like dishes WAY too much.


  1. The Capistrano plate is great. I love dishes too, and hardly ever use my petit point rose dishes any longer. But I love them. Love T

  2. The best thing about having kept so many things, is that you have the option of rotating all your displays. Not to will never run out of things to show us!

  3. I love dishes way too much too! My cupboard doors don't close all the way and I have 3 hutches full. I've never even considered selling any of them. My mom and dad both love dishes too, so I come by it honestly. They are always giving me dishes they don't have room for and I don't have the sense to say no. Twyla

  4. Twyla - No, that's not it! You have the sense to know that you shouldn't say no! I DO regret selling some of our things....too late now.

  5. Those are really unique patterns. are they melamine or whatever you call it?
    Sorry, I'm always bugging you with questions!

  6. Hi Holly - I don't mind your questions one bit. No - these are all ceramic dishes, and the three patterns I've shown were introduced in 1953 and 1955. The company made a multitude of different patterns of pottery and china and they were very popular.
    You keep on asking your questions - just don't be surprised if I haven't got the answers!
