Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's What's On The Inside That Counts

We have all heard that saying, right? Well, I realize they weren't talking about envelopes, but...
I actually showed you this one before on my blog, but it's worthy of an encore. See how gorgeous the inside of this envelope is? It held the lovely bookmark, and was mailed from Sydney Australia in December of 1945:
Now, not all of them were as wonderful as that - but they were still nice, like these ones simply lined with red tissue paper. The patterned one with the gold background isn't vintage - that held a card that was sent to me recently. I have a tendency to save every little scrap of pretty paper that catches my eye - I'm a little crazy that way! And, mind you, each one of these envelopes held a lovely sentiment thoughtfully sent by friends and family:
These three beauties held Christmas cards in the 1930's. These envelope liners are SO gorgeous, the tissue paper almost looks as though it were hand-painted! :
Another beauty, this one in blue:
Oh, yes, I saved the best for last! All I can say about this one is WOWZA!
I don't think we will see the likes of these pretty lined envelopes again - no, not unless you spent a pretty penny at a hand-made stationers shop!
Aren't they fabulous?


  1. i remember when it wasn't always rare to have a lined envelope. it sure is now - but you have some fantastic examples of which i have never seen the like!

  2. They are very lovely, and it's just like you to point them out to us. You see the lovely in everything, even the undersides of stuff. Love T

  3. I have a few of those old lined envelopes - I was just amazed at how much care went into even the lining of the envelope. They're great!

  4. Wow!! I have never seen those before. How wonderful! I bet some crafty people still make stuff like that. Wonder if there's a kit or something? Hey! Enterprising Crafties! Make a kit & sell it at a craft store - I bet people would buy them!

  5. Wow!! I have never seen those before. How wonderful! I bet some crafty people still make stuff like that. Wonder if there's a kit or something? Hey! Enterprising Crafties! Make a kit & sell it at a craft store - I bet people would buy them!
