Saturday, May 16, 2009

Cakes I Have Loved

Well, okay - this first one isn't actually a cake- but I wanted to include it. It is a Chocolate Cinnamon Torte, and I found the recipe in a 1963 Good Housekeeping Cookbook. I made it at least twice MANY years ago. It's different - but I liked it, even though it was a fair amount of trouble. The layers are like a crisp cookie, and each one had to be pressed into a cake dish and baked.
That's chocolate whipped cream on the top. Mmmmm.
I remember making this one - Angel Food Waldorf - when I was quite young, also. I left off the slivered almonds on the top. But yes, I do love my chocolate whipped cream! I saw this old magazine ad and I went - "I remember that cake!"
Oh, this one from Betty Crocker's Cookbook published in 1969 has been a real favorite over the years- I have made it a LOT - starting back when I was a teenager:
And I used to make this one fairly often, too - from one of our favorite cookbooks (Farm Journal Christmas Cookbook, 1970):
Check this one out! I haven't tried this one yet - just found it recently in a 1938 magazine - but I think I might HAVE to try it!
If you have noticed that I said I "used to" a lot in this post - that's because I just can't bake all this stuff like I "used to" - WAY too tempting for me. See, I've got a little problem with sweets.....
I love them WAY too much- and let's just say, when I get on the scale - it shows!
Not good.


  1. Wow, it's only 7 am and I want a nice big piece of yellow cake with chocolate frosting and a nice tall cold glass of milk. But I want the real milk from Woodland Drive from the big gallon jar with the cream mixed in. What a great breakfast! Love T

  2. YUM! i used to bake as well - with a big USED to. my favorite was a recipie given to me by my mother in law - waldorf astoria cake - many claim its a red velvet cake by a different name - but i have had both and i like the waldorf cake best (more cocoa so it has a richer taste at least thats what i think it might be).

  3. Cake you say? Yum! I am still baking cakes and still noticing the numbers on the scale rising! Yikes! When I was in college and lived on my own I lived off of cake!

  4. Oh, how I miss baking those Bonnie Butter cakes!!!!! I wish I could still bake and eat all those things.

    Yosemite Faith, is there any chance you would share the recipe for waldorf astoria cake? I have a daughter that loves red velvet cake, and I'd like to try something new for her birthday.

  5. yes debra - i would love to share it - i have to dig it out of my folder - let me know how to get it to you.

  6. I just discovered baking - I always thought it was too tedious, or too much trouble - but I guess I've mellowed in my old age, cuz the more difficult and challenging the recipe, the more I want to try it! It all started last Valentines Day, I made my hubby a chocolate cake from scratch with a Ganache topping - I never would've had the patience to make it when I was younger - oh baby, is it good!!
