Thursday, October 1, 2009

October Is Here!

I'm very happy that October has arrived! Because I love fall, and I'm hoping for nice cool weather. To celebrate the beginning of this month, I thought I'd show some of the fabulous covers from past issues of Country Living Magazine. Each October issue is without fail one of the MOST attractive on the news stands!
Not only are the covers gorgeous, but the contents are always great as well. Since the recent demise of some other publications, Country Living has gone from being one of my favorites to my VERY favorite! While it's true there are many others that I thoroughly enjoy, I have to say that CL is the one I most look forward to opening each month!
(And don't those cakes and cupcakes look good?)


  1. I too love Country Living, and the covers are good enough to eat. Why do you always make me so hungry early in the morning? (And not for "good" things!) Love T

  2. i especially love the 'cat cake' cover-even though we did not have a spring or summer - i love fall!!!!!!

  3. I have every single one of these in my living room right now. Spooky, huh?

  4. I Always look forward to the October issue of Country Living! It's the first one I bought in '84 that I fell in love with and still love the Oct. issues! Twyla
