Friday, October 2, 2009

Then And Now #49 Karo Syrup

It's all about Karo Syrup today - here in a couple of 1910 magazine advertisements:

This is on the back of my "Karo Cookery" booklet from 1941 - apparently they had just switched from cans to bottles at that time:

An ad with recipes from 1945:
From 1950 - another recipe, this time for popcorn balls! That's what I want to make! I cannot even remember the last time I had a homemade popcorn ball:

Lace cookies from 1965:
And one more ad from 1978:
I always have some in the cupboard, but I really don't use it that often. These two bottles are in my pantry "Now":

I think the last thing I made with it was this decadent bittersweet hot fudge sauce that I throw together. It's the kind that hardens slightly and turns all gooey when you pour it over your ice cream.
I know.
That's why I haven't made it in a long time.
I don't dare.


  1. Hey, I have those same bottles of syrup in my cupboard! I plan on using a little bit today since I have a small batch of pears to can. Wow, the popcorn balls and lace cookies look really yummy. This post is timely with the holiday baking season just around the corner. Again, you have made me hungry for delicious non-Weight Watcher things and it isn't even time for my breakfast yet. I should get extra awards at Weight Watchers for losing weight in spite of reading my sister's blog. Love T

  2. as kids we made popcorn balls all the time.

  3. cookies as ornaments is so creepy!

  4. Love these old adds! Love Karo syrup! These kinds of posts are always some of my favorites that you do. You take something that I wouldn't ordinarily think about and make it something nostalgic! Twyla
