Saturday, January 9, 2010

Snack Bar Intermission At The Drive-In

This used to play during intermission at our old drive-in theater in Placerville, the "Se Rancho Drive-In".
I cannot even TELL you how happy I was to find it on YouTube! I think I literally squealed with delight when I first saw it again after all these years!
I just think it is hilarious, and it brings back memories for me - we went to that drive-in while we were growing up, and during high school with our sweethearts, too!
Makes me smile.


  1. LOVE that!! My Dad used to say "Frosty, Man - Frosty!" all the time (he also used variations such as, "Toasty Man" and "Tasty Man"). I always thought he made that up!! Too funny!

  2. Wow, Gold Country minds think alike! Just last week I received an ebay purchase of four Se Rancho Drive-In mailers, one from 1961 and three from '62, and it made me consider doing a post on the drive-in. The mailers include Elvis Presley in "Follow that Dream", Fabian in "Hound Dog Man" and Ricky Nelson in "The Wackiest Ship in the Army", just to name a few. If I can ever get my new printer/scanner hooked up (having cable problems) I still plan on a post about it. Thank you for sharing this. I will have to watch it at Lori's because of my dial-up but looking forward to it. Love T

  3. Loveeeee ittttt!!!!!!! Oh what memories that brings!!Like the time my Boyfriend thought we needed to take his Dad's truck w/ cabover camper [probably to hide friends] and the top of it HIT their overhead sign as we drove in! Oh my God, I was so embarressed!!!! There was 1 Drive In left when my kids were young, so we did get to take them once or twice. I miss them!!

  4. i must be a lot older. our drive in snack bar 'clip' wasn't nearly as modern as yours. my parents did not like me going to drive-ins so i only got to go if i lied. and sorry to say i did a few times. one boyfriend had a really really nice old corvette - he would go to get popcorn and i would move the car and watch him come back trying to find the car - i still laugh but boy did it make him mad. he learned to take the keys with him!

  5. That is FANTASTIC! I miss the drive-in theaters. Now I want some popcorn and Dr. Pepper.
