Sunday, January 10, 2010

Then And Now #58 Lipton Soup

Did you grow up eating this soup from a package? We didn't, at least not that I recall. We grew up on that other kind - the condensed soup. But I did have this occasionally - at a friend's house, perhaps? Here's an ad from 1958:
And another ad from '58, this one for just their Onion Soup. The Dip - now THAT I remember:
Yes, there are other uses for the soup mix, too. From 1956:

And 1966 - California Dip again; hey - it was VERY popular!
And you could use it for barbecues, also (from 1967):
And the meatloaf again, from 1969:

And , here is the way the package looks "Now":
Let's move on to Chicken Soup, shall we? This is the one I remember having. I like the way the package looks in this ad from 1959:
Another ad, from 1961 this time:

In 1967 it still had the red gingham::
And here is how the "Noodle Soup" package looks "Now":

The only very distinct memory I have of eating Lipton Chicken Noodle Soup was when we were staying with our friends the Headley's at a house in Lake Tahoe, I believe it was 1969 or 1970. It must have been during Christmas vacation. The bigger girls had gone skiing, and I was "home" with Lisa, their youngest girl (I think she had a bad cold or something), and mom Betty. Betty fixed us this soup for lunch with sandwiches, and there was something about that soup that day with all of the snow outside that made it seem very special. She also made me this red crocheted beret while we were there. I have kept it all these years, and I treasure it because Betty gave it to me. I dressed it up with a flower from Twyla:

That's my Lipton soup memory.


  1. I loved reading about your Lipton Chicken Soup memory. I had already married by that time. I wish I could have shared it. Love your beret. I remember very well eating this chicken soup and the little noodles. But maybe it isn't from growing up, maybe it came a bit later, after I was married. I don't have any distinct memories of it, just the memory of the soup. Very interesting post. Love T

  2. love the hat and how you dressed it up. my lipton soup memory isn't a sweet as yours but it always makes me laugh. when i got married in 1970 - i got a job at a family owned womens specialty shop. lots of men would use christmas shopping as an excuse to get out of the house and so they would hit up a bar downtown and then come in to shop. an 'oldtimer' would always bring in onion soup mix dip - except with double the soup mix. any 'drunk' shopper that was too obnoxious would get a real big blast of onion dip breath from her. it always worked.

  3. I had no idea cooks had been using it so long for meatloaf and dips!!! I thought that was a "newer" idea. I guess it's true there is nothing new under the sun, huh? I think Solomon said that? I might be dreaming. I do remember being totally fascinated with all things "instant" as a kid. Mmmm. mmmmm. Good!

  4. I'm so glad you were able to use the crocheted flower I sent you! Loved your Lipton soup memory. Lipton's soup is the only kind of chicken soup we use! Twyla

  5. I did grow up eating the lipton soup from the package, but only the chicken noodle kind. I remember especially eating it when I was home sick as a kid or as a yummy hot lunch during the winter. It was especially good with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich which I would dunk into the warm soup.........mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I then remember they came out with a "Cup a Soup" or "cup o soup" or something like that. You just opened the package into your mug and poured hot water from the kettle in it. I think there was split pea and again, chicken noodle. This was during the 70's. I have a couple of boxes of the soup in my cupboard now because I love the taste. My children never did so they grew up on cambells.
