Monday, July 12, 2010

Pillar Candle Holder FREAK

Oh, yes, it's another collection, I suppose. I confess that I have become a pillar candle holder FREAK! (Remember my mug trees? This is the same type of thing.) I like 'em, I think they're groovy, and I can't seem to leave them behind when I spy them at a thrift store or yard sale. I am digging the colors. You may call them retro - or some other word - but I just think they're cool:

A couple of these gold ones were here in the house. I use some of them as a pedestal for something else, rather than as a candle holder.

I have seen on somebody's blog where they collected them and spray painted them. I don't think I want to do that. I kind of like them the way they are - even with a few little chips.
(P.S. I found a red one, too - forgot about it when I photographed these. You can see it in my previous post Coca-Cola And Flowers.)


  1. Mom used to have some of these, in fact, I know I still have them. I don't believe I've ever seen anyone "feature" them on a blog or anywhere... That I have seen. I love them!

    (Mom used to put plastic holly wreaths around the base and used them for Christmas).

  2. These completely scream the 70s to me. I am glad there are still a few things that we could find together at a thrift shop or garage sale and wouldn't fight over. LOL. I just saw a TON of these at the Snowline Hospice special sale Saturday for 1/2 price. You could have gotten bags of them, nice ones too. Love T

  3. You gave me a chuckle this morning! I love it when someone loves their collection so much that they proudly shout out to the world that they are a freak about it!
    I am a picnic basket freak! And a big freaky pottery FREAK!
    Thank you for letting me get that out, on YOUR blog!
    Happy Monday!

  4. These remind me of some candlesticks that my mom use to have back in the 50's and 60's.
    What you put on them is a big, fat candle. Where you put all of these to display them in groups is what I what I want to know. You must have an enormous house.
    Are you adding a new wing to you house soon?
    Go candlestick "freak".. go! Embrace your desires.

  5. i like things as they are found - usually that is. when and if i every totally unpack - i decided (many of your posts ago) that i would send you what ever it is that i don't want - that way you can keep or sell it and hopefully have fun.

  6. Oh, yes, it's another collection, I suppose. I confess that I have become a pillar candle holder FREAK! (Remember my mug trees? This is the ...
