Friday, October 8, 2010

My Agatha Christie Paperbacks (Part Two)

I'm back with part two today, showing you the remaining paperbacks in my collection. Halloween is approaching, so we'll start with the photo that includes "Halloween Party", below:
I'm sorry all of my pictures are so dark:
Well, I suppose that these murder mysteries might be thought of as rather dark, as well:
I, on the other hand, merely think of them as very entertaining and well-written:
Do you think I have enough? My collection numbers just over three dozen, at last count:

You can see that I was a wee bit obsessed with Ms. Christie's novels, can you not?
I still love them today, and, of course I enjoy Masterpiece Mystery on PBS - all of them, but I am happy that Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple are included in the lot of characters!
(Oh - and I do NOT necessarily think that I have enough - because you can bet that if I find one of these vintage paperbacks that I do not already own, I will try to get my hands on it!).


  1. I love mysteries but have never read Agatha Christie. Have 3 or 4 ordered from Ebay. Thanks for sharing.

  2. you know i am on board with PBS and masterpiece. john loves loves loves mysteries.

  3. Help, I'm reading as fast as I can but can't keep up! Love T

  4. I adore these stories! Senior year in high school my Grandma gave me a copy of "And Then There Were None" and I blazed through it and moved on to "Death on the Nile" I love reading them whenever I find one then watchign the PBS movies to compare!

  5. Heidi Ann, it would be lovely if you could submit this post to the next edition of the Agatha Christie Reading Challenge Blog Carnival. It will publish on October 23. Check the Carnival out here, and submit your post(s) here.

  6. Maybe you will want to place a twitter button to your site. I just marked down this site, however I had to make this by hand. Just my 2 cents.
