Thursday, March 23, 2017

Cookies With Quaker Oats

I love oatmeal cookies - how about you?
I got my Quaker Oats tins out of storage a while back, and now I have them in my pantry.
I wanted to use this one to store my Quaker Oats:
I have also tried a couple of new (to me) recipes for oatmeal cookies, instead of making the same ones I have always made.
(Honestly, I'm not sure why? I'm starting to wonder, and think to myself , "Stick with the tried and true, Heidi - just stick with the tried and true!".)
But I made these...
Gratuitous close-up on the batter:
"Peanut Butter Crisps" - oh, yes - now I remember; that was the reason why!
It was because I liked the idea of peanut butter being in there, since my husband also loves peanut butter cookies!
And they were good; I know we both liked them.
I have this tin, below, also.
I can use it to store oats, as well....
... or I can use it to store the cookies, themselves.
(I think I like that option better, LOL!)
I found an old magazine ad from 1992 that I had tucked away; it was to fill out the form and send away for the very same tin:

I'm sure that's what I did. I used to love sending away for things like that - I don't see any offers like that these days.
Another thing of the past, I suppose.
 I've sold or given away a lot of my old tins, but I like my Quaker Oats ones, and I wanted to keep those. 
I also decided to try this recipe recently:
(The photo seen at the top of my post shows the Oatmeal Hermits in the Bar Cookie variation.)
And I know exactly why I tried THAT recipe.
It was all about ease of preparation, and time.
Seriously, does it GET any easier than "combine all ingredients: mix well"?
 I melted the butter in the microwave in a large glass measuring pitcher, and I made the bar cookie version so I could just throw it in the oven, bake them and be done.
It was later in the evening when I made them and I didn't want to mess with drop cookies.
And they were good, too.
Just the other day, I decided to try the recipe below (also torn out of a magazine from 1992, and found with the tin offer):
I tweaked it a bit, though. I did not add nuts nor Toll House Morsels, instead I threw in about 1&1/4 cups of raisins and an extra half-cup of oatmeal, plus cinnamon and a bit of cloves.
And here's a photo of my latest batch:
But most of the time, I just make the regular old tried and true Famous Oatmeal Cookies, from the recipe on my tin:
Because I have always liked THAT recipe!
I've been making them since I was a kid.
(Oh, but I do absolutely have to add raisins, though. And some spices.)
Like I said, I just love oatmeal cookies......


  1. I have a tin like the first one you show but it's in a cupboard. The one I use for my cookies is a Quaker Oats tin that is wider and much shorter. I remember ordering them from ads like you show. My favorite cookies are original Tollhouse chocolate chip so I have a bunch of Nestle tins. I've always loved tins and at one time had over 250 but I've had to downsize. When I first started to scroll through your post I saw the top of the Vera butterflies and thought you were doing another Vera post. I really enjoyed your post!

  2. I have that same tin you show in your first image.

  3. I'll take one of each for breakfast thank you. Love T

  4. Nice tins and cookies! You're right too-- no offers like this around these days. Too expensive to ship maybe?

  5. I wish we could still order them. I would love to have them.

  6. I have my moms old metal saltine cracker container . Beat up but I love it!

  7. These are just like mom used to make.
